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已有 152 次阅读2012-8-19 21:14 |个人分类:大坑| 尼山萨满, 光绪本, 英译

nišan saman(abstracted)

......(and) went dragging[1] towards the house,baharji rode the horse and walked along and reached home.

He met the old man and lady and started sobbing and weeping.

The old man and lady got angry,"you servant for what kind of reason?speak,for what?"

Laojin[2] stopped crying and told the oldman and lady.They fell over on their backs.The sobbing and weeping relatives all came.

They helped the old man and lady stand up.

"Old pal ara[3],

when mom was fifty years old ara,

mom's handsome boy ara,

mom's boy ara,

hawk for which boy to hold,

mom's boy ara,

mom's dogs ara,

for which boy ara,

the horses mom raised for which boy to ride?

mom's boy ara!"

aharji came,trailing Sergudai Fiyangguu's body towards home,finished settling it down.

As the old man,the lady,aharji,baharji[4] were crying outside the gate a taoist[5] came,

denigu,denigu[6],how old is this boy already?

deniku,deniku,this boy,

deniku,deniku,aharji please you enter the house,tell the master oldman,the old lady and sir,please hurry to invite me enter,

this old man get close to the casket,surronded it 3 times,

“find a good shaman to help.”

the old man and lady was stunt.

[1]the manchu verb comes after the object,so the ellipsis is actually the object that isn't shown in this abstract,later you will see it's aharji dragging the body of his young master on a vehicle(probably a sleigh)

[2]it is confusing to me,i think this Laojin(a chinese name) should be baharji the servant

[3]exclamation word which is the equivalent of the english Ah,Oh or Alas

[4]they are the brothers servants of the hero in this book,so their names rhyme like in the germanic follklores and like boromier and faramier in "the lord of the rings"

[5]the manchu word doo shi (literally meaning taoist) doesn't necessarily have to be a real taoist,it could mean just some holy figure;as in the later text we will see this strange visitor was probably a shaman

[6]incerted word as to fill a line in a shamanist verse,also written as deniku






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