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发表于 2012-9-27 20:49:01
šolon 发表于 2012-9-27 11:07 
而且Tartar和Tatar还有些出入,现在有一个族群叫做Tatar,生活在俄国、中亚一带,Tartar是这个族群名字的另 ...
Ta·tar n.
Pronunciation: 'tä-tər
Function: noun
Etymology: Persian Tātār, of Turkic origin; akin to Turkish Tatar Tatar
Date: 1842
1 : a member of any of a group of Turkic peoples found mainly in the Tatar Republic of Russia and parts of Siberia and central Asia
2 : any of the Turkic languages spoken by the Tatar peoples
2tartar 2 n.
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English Tartre, from Middle French Tartare, probably from Medieval Latin Tartarus, modification of Persian Tātār ― more at TATAR
Date: 14th century
1 capitalized : a native or inhabitant of Tartary
2 capitalized : TATAR 2
3 often capitalized : a person of irritable or violent temper
4 : one that proves to be unexpectedly formidable
–Tartar adjective
–Tar·tar·i·an \tär-'ter-ē-ən\ adjective
Tar·ta·ry n.
Pronunciation: 'tär-tə-rē
Variant: or Ta·ta·ry \'tä-\
Function: geographical name
a vast historical region in Asia &E Europe roughly extending from the Sea of Japan to the Dnieper
Tar·ta·ry (tärtə-rē) or Ta·ta·ry (tä-)
A vast region of eastern Europe and northern Asia controlled by the Mongols in the 13th and 14th centuries. It extended as far east as the Pacific Ocean under the rule of Genghis Khan.
看来用鞑靼人来称呼满洲,未必有什么深刻的寓意,不过我一开始用tatar是不准确的 |